Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust

Our KGT coordinator Rachel was delighted to be asked to present at the Annual General Meeting of the Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust. Hopefully, their members enjoyed the talk and were inspired by the mahi of Kids Greening Taupō.

Their members got to learn about all our work and the school restoration projects, including the Hilltop School Butterfly and Moth garden. The Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust has some great resources if you are interested in finding out more about our native species and the Trust’s projects visit their website here. We are excited to announce that they will be joining us this year on Greening Taupō Day. Moths and butterflies are pollinators and are a vital part of our ecosystem. They are also really good indicators of the health of our ecosystems. To learn more, there are also multiple resources available on the KGT website in our nature connectors and online classroom.


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